Can Your Local Business Benefit From 4 & 5 STARS Reviews?

Discover the secret to outpacing your competitors and gaining an edge with our 5-star reviews, trusted by local business owners just like you. 

Have you asked yourself why your competitors are getting:

- 2X More Positive Reviews 

- Rank Higher on Google

- Generate More Leads

- 3x More Engagement

Take Control Of Your Reviews

You are aware that consumers are depending on reviews and the internet to influence their shopping decisions more than ever before. Ratings might mean the difference between you and your competition growing or closing.

Increase Trust and Creditability

Did you search up ads or reviews the last time you wanted to choose a new local business?

We let your customers to be brand advocates for you, honoring your commitment to providing a fantastic customer experience.

Consumers today trust reviews more than marketing, and you will receive feedback and reviews from over 40% of all your customers on average!

What would your online brand/reputation look like if 40% of your satisfied customers leave you a good review?

What would your online brand/reputation look like if 40% of your satisfied customers leave you a good review?

Boost Your Reputation Everywhere

It's not simply about dominating Google. We help you with generating and managing reviews on Google, Facebook, and over 200 other sites in order to maintain an excellent reputation everywhere.

Imagine How Many Customers You Lose Just Because You Have Some Negative Reviews!
Would you get variety of excitement every time you get a new 5 star review?


Of Consumers report that customer reviews influence who to do business with and buying decisions. 


Of people trust online reviews as much as a friends recommendation.


Of people won't do business with a business that has no reviews or too few of reviews.


Refuse to do business with a business that has any or too many negative reviews.

Why Online Reviews Matter?

  • Social Proof Drives Purchases

We are more willing to make a purchase if others, even strangers, feel it is a good option. Online reviews are becoming the most important form of social proof, and they have a direct influence on sales.

  • They Make You More Visible

Most shoppers will look on search engines like Google and Bing, or even on Facebook, when deciding what to buy.

 These websites all have their own unique ways of indexing and surfacing content, but they all value original and fresh content, and customer reviews can definitely help feed the content machine, keeping your brand favored by algorithms.

  • They Make You Look Trustworthy

Your brand can build significant trust and credibility from a steady stream of positive reviews.
One of the more interesting findings of recent research is just how powerful reviews are at building your company’s online identity.

Many shoppers distrust businesses that have ratings below(or even above) four stars. This leaves a small margin of error at the top, but companies with better average ratings are significantly more likely to see views converted to traffic and sales.

  • They Are Increasingly Essential to Decision Making

Almost two-thirds of shoppers think that online reviews are an essential part of the decision-making process. When they want to know the best places to go, they’re more likely to turn to Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor than they are to a newspaper or even their friends and family.

  • Clear Impact on Sales

A study by the Harvard Business School found that online reviews can demonstrably impact your bottom line. Brands that are viewed positively have better sales, but even improving your star rating can have a positive effect on your sales.

According to the study, a one-star improvement on leads to a boost of 5% to 9% on sales in the short term. Even a small improvement can have a massive impact.


Online Reviews Increase E-A-T

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness

It plays and important role in how the Google algorithm ranks your content and your website in the search results. 

Google wants to give searchers content that is backed by expertise, created by an authoritative source, and as trustworthy as possible.

The more a page meets all three of these criteria, the more likely it is to be ranked high in the search results.

Online customer reviews can give your website’s E-A-T a significant boost.

When Google sees numerous positive reviews of your brand across multiple third-party sites,

it signals to them that your brand has a good reputation.

Imagine A System That Can Collect Positive Reviews, Grow Your
Business, And Increase Your Revenue on AUTOPILOT  






How Can We Improve Your Online Reviews?

Bury Any Bad Reviews

If your company has received negative feedback, you must address it as soon as possible. The issue is that if you have a low ranking score, negative reviews will seriously lower your score.

The solution is to flood the review site with positive feedback. This is exactly what our program will accomplish. We have elevated several 2 and 3 star businesses to high 4 star status in weeks rather than months.

No More Negative Reviews

Any negative feedback from unhappy customers gets internalized allowing them a way to vent their frustrations and giving you the opportunity to respond and react quickly to unhappy customers and identify employee issues.

Any 3 star and under review can be internalized by our program. Giving you, the business owner, the opportunity to deal with it before it is permanently published. If you have the opportunity to act first, you can often change a negative review into a positive one.

That control is given to you, the business owner, through our software. As a result, you can save your reputation.


Consistent reviews will make your business rank higher on search results, complimenting all of your other online efforts and when you get found we make sure you are looking good!

A strong reputation will help your business rank higher in search results, Google Maps and will lead to more traffic.

Google trust the word-of-mouth. It factors in the quantity of reviews to evaluate the search ranking.

Staying focused on reviews and how to improve them is extremely valuable to your SEO due to the fact that reviews can boost your social appearance and authority. Google actually does take your site ranking into consideration, and needless to say, favors the higher-rated websites.

Kiosk Mode

Kiosk mode allows you to setup on tablet at point of sale to easily collect customers info. The software will automatically follow up with your customers to leave a good review.

The customer data such as name, email, and phone number will be yours and you can reach to them later with offers and promotions.  

Reviews From Your Website

We provide you with a link and a plugin to place it on your website to collect customer data and Reviews.


We easily integrates into Zapier with over 1500 existing applications like Quickbooks, Salesforce, Mailchimp and more.

No matter where and how you enter your customer information, The software will know and send your customers review link to collect the good reviews.

The worst case scenario, if the customer isn't happy and give you a negative review, the negative review will not be posting and published online, it will be internalized to give you the chance to make them happy.

Reporting Tool

Track your entire web presence with our active reputation tracker that constantly monitors you and your competition in real time and alert you to all important changes to your reputation. 

It's A Win-Win Situation

If You Receive A Positive Review:

You Rank Higher And Gain More Customers.

If You Receive A Negative Review:

You Get A Chance To Know Your Weakest Link And Another Chance To Make Them Happy.

Do You Realize How Much OPPORTUNITY Is Waiting For You?

About Reviews Booster

Reviews Booster is a US Based company

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